Don’t get me wrong. I love the convenience of processed foods as much as the next person. We eat breakfast cereal by the truckload in our house (if I had a time machine, I’d use my first trip back not to save the world but just to change the breakfast habits I ingrained in my children). I use frozen vegetables in a pinch. We have boxes of (organic) mac & cheese. We have tortilla chips and tortillas and un-emulsified peanut butter and Tillamook cheese.
We have canned tomato sauce and tomato paste. I am not going to grow and make everything we eat. That’s why I’ve made it a weekend family habit to go down to the big farmer’s market downtown and shop, not only in a way local way but in a healthy way. We’ve even made a game for our little ones to find a Farmer’s Tent that they really like the look of and get a healthy snack for the other two. Whoever has the tastiest healthy snack wins. It’s fantastic!